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Ho ho ho Sandra - you are so politically correct (in a family sense) to recognize the superiority of the borzoi. Of course, little Nina might be ready to bonk you for forgetting about little Storm and the quality collies bring to fore!! Siberians are beautiful, but they are escape artists par excellance. We found one lost one time. Kept her in one of our borzoi paddocks. She was gone within minutes--but she came back. We reinforced the paddock. She got out. We reinforced again and this time watched. She lay on her back, twisted at the waist so her hind legs could push. She pushed her muzzle into the small space between the corner of the gate and the angle of the upright post and the ground. The gate's corner pushed into the soft part of her throat and neck, consequently she could get her skull thru. By neatly turning at the right point, first one foot, leg, and shoulder when thru, then her chest and the other leg--hips followed, and she was out. I was fascinated and so sorry we didn't own a video at the time. I think it would have been a winner on YouTube. She could also climb the fence at the corner where the two sides met, she had no problem slipping over the gate, she could dig under at any point along the fence, she could get out of a doggy harness, slip out of collars, get away from ties including chains and wire cables. She routinely escaped her owners by darting between their legs when they opened the house door, kennel door, or were changing her from leash to tie chain. She always came back--after stopping off at our house to play with (tease) the borzoi. She'd go from paddock to paddock, inside the basement, out into the pasture. The borzoi would go crazy. She laughed. Siberians. Cute as puppies, beautiful as adults, great work ethic, friendly, but the average person would be lucky to hang onto one. Loyal they are not.


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