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Note from Tory: Rome

Saturday, February 13, 2010

All Roads lead to ...

All roads lead to ROME! Gosh, I can hardly believe I made it here.

It was a long haul, and I had gotten a little soft, spoiled by the deluxe accomodations onboard the Finnish trains. This Italian train was a bit more basic. The bunks were stacked three to a side, six people in the tiny compartment, like so many fillets of sardine. And every berth was occupied, three guys and three of us girls (mixed coaches, another first). I made good friends with a Dutch lady, a theology student on her way with a group to tour Rome. And I treated myself to dinner on the train, notable more for its cost than the quality of the cuisine (served on paper plates). The bunks were so hard, I imagined myself as comfortable snoozing on my own dining room table at home....

But we arrived safe and sound (and all belongings intact -- thank goodness!!). Fueled by the second half of a small back of potato chips and a tepid espresso, I was off to wander the streets of Rome. First, I navigated my way to my accomodations-- a charming monestary right on the wall surrounding the Vatican. The nun / receptionist spoke no English, and barefoot probably didn't even clear 5 foot, but she was awfully nice and my room is simple but comfy.

I took the metro to the Spanish Steps, which I remember so well from our family EurRail trip to Rome years ago. They were smaller than I remembered, but there was still a McDonalds nearby and lots of people lounging and snapping pics. And I wandered the streets admiring the fashions and reveling in the sunshine (it's positively balmy). Next I took the metro two stops to see the Trevi Fountain. I surfaced and walked for a while, and arrived back at the Spanish Steps, having missed the friggin fountain entirely! Chagrin. Next time, I will take care not to leave my city map at one of the fashion shops along the way :-)

Goodnight dear friends and family. I am off to find a pizzaria with my name on it. I might accidently end up at Spanish Steps again, but that would be okay too :-)

Love T


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