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Note from Tory: Blessings

Sunday, February 14, 2010

A day for blessings

Today was a day for blessings! I rose early and avoided the lines to tour St Peters Basilica. I snapped countless pics and wandered around the truly spectacular interior. I met an English language guide (a really nice lady from Ohio), who gave me a little mini-tour, and described the history and what all the popes buried in the nave were noted for having done. I was really impressed that it is a working church; there was a priest there giving blessings to the children, and others hearing confessions, and lots of nuns walking about (they all wear sensible shoes, just like in the movies!)

I wandered down to the Tiber for a while too but was back in the main courtyard just in time for Pope Benedict to give his blessing to the thousands that had gathered. He spoke for about 10 minutes (in Italian)-- I understood the word Beatitudes a couple of times, so I think it may have been on them? Anyway, after he said Amen, he started speaking in English! He gave a blessing to those of us assembled and those whom they hold in their hearts-- that would be every one of you, my friends and family, who are so dear to me. I was very moved, and felt very blessed :-)

After pizza for lunch, I balanced the religious history with a visit to Rome's largest Jewish Synagogue, and the area of the old Jewish Ghetto. I snapped pics of the Kosher Italian food signs.

And finally I found Trevi Fountain, took my reserved coin (a tuppence piece left over from London), and tossed it into the fountain requesting for my true heart's desire. And wouldn't you know but that not 15 minutes later, it delivered: I found a self service laundramat! If I have time, I'm going to go back with maybe like a couple Euros or so :-)

But right now, I'm off to find another pizzaria, and am sending you my love. Tomorrow I am scheduled to quit Rome's banks for Milan.

Love T


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