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Note from Tory: Milan

Monday, February 15, 2010


First class in Italian trains is much better than second class, and with my EurRail, my short ride to Milan this morning was just a breeze.

I took the metro to my hotel, but it was somehow loads more confusing than any I have been in before, and I rode the wrong direction -- twice. Then on steet level, I walked the wrong direction -- twice -- before finally finding my hotel, which is a dump (and at 60 euros a night, that's an outrage!). I confess I only came to Milan since the overnight train service to Switzerland from Rome had been discontinued, but I am making the best of it. Milan is known for fashion, right? So off I went to the famous (according to my guidebook) rectangle of streets that are Milan's high fashion district.

I lasted two of the legs of the rectangle before I got tired of looking at 500 euro scarfs (!), and headed toward the Duomo, Milan's spectacular gothic cathedral. In the low mist of the city, it looked etherial.

And nearby, the shops are not as high fashion, but definitely closer to my price range. On my to-do list for this trip (along with Abba in Stockholm, snow angel on the Arctic Circle) is to buy a pair of shoes in Milan. Since there are thousands of shoe shops, it shouldn't be hard (though I really hate shoe shopping, so maybe I will settle for getting new socks).

Tomorrow I have my morning train to Gimmelwald, Switzerland.

Love you!



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