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More Snow

Can you believe we actually got more snow? When I looked out the window last night, it looked so pretty as the snow was coming down - visible through the city street lights. Although, this snow fall was just a little and really did not stick at all. It did not add to the mounds of dirty snow and ice that is scattered through the dirty Philly streets. Don't I make it sound absolutely glorious?

Once again, you are all so nice to compliment Nina. She gets so much positive attention from this family. I thought her snowgirl was really cute. Unfortunately, Alex built a snow man and it fell apart. I am told he cried for 30 minutes, as he declared, "I worked so hard on it." Interestingly enough, Nina's was still standing. Is there any chance she wiped out her competition? But the sweet little girl would never do such a thing right? Hmmmm......well......

My sister's children were quite sweet. On Saturday night, as a Valentine's treat for their parents, they served my sister and her husband dinner. Alex actually wore a little vest and shirt and served the food while Nina -the chef - prepared them an appetizer of tomato and mozzarella. My sister helped her with the spaghetti but Nina was the head chef of course! And then after the main course, Alex served strawberries with cream. That is so adorable. Do you think they will be doing these sweet things when they are teenagers? My sister said she videotaped the entire event. I am glad she did because there may come a day when it is hard to believe that her children could be so incredibly sweet. But then again, who cares about the future, might as well enjoy it now. I listened to my sister's recount of this event with such delight because I can just imagine little Alex and Nina doing this. By the way the little munchkins put out a white table cloth to round out the fine dining experience they created.

KC, that is a great photo of you. I really like it. And I agree what difference does it really make what the judges think. They obviously don't know very much about your dogs.

I hope Tory ends up getting a pair of shoes in Italy, I would love to have some shoes from Italy. But I can certainly understand her lack of enthusiasm for going through the trouble of shopping. I don't like clothes shopping myself. Although I don't mind shoe shopping because you don't have to go through the painful process of trying on all these clothes that don't fit, or look "less than ideal." I wish nice clothes that are a good fit for me could just appear in my closet. Shopping is much more fun when you are young and everything fits well.

Hope all is well with everyone. Is anyone catching any of the Olympic games. I always enjoy the Olympics. Sid and I are catching pieces of it here and there.




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