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Note from Tory: Grindelwald Switzerland

Tuesday, February 16, 2010


Extraordinary as it seems to me, I woke up this morning in big, industrial Milan and now I am hanging out in a ski town in central Switzerland! I am constantly confusing languages, sometimes speaking in German, sometimes Italian, Spanish, and maybe even a Portugese word slips in now and again. Since I speak barely 25 words in any of those tongues (except German, which is pathetically rusty). It is very confusing to the locals who beg me to speak in English....!

Grindelwald is a familiar spot, since Mom, Murray and I traveled here frequently when we were younger. Not much has changed; it is still charming and picturesque and quitissentially Swiss. Practically everyone on the streets are calling it a night, lugging skis and poles, and searching out the best spot for some steaming hot chocolate.

I have checked out the local joints and found a spot to rent skis too -- if I can get up the courage to strap them to my weary feat and toss myself down a slippery slope. Murray says it all comes back to you: the schussing and snow plow. But after a month of a big pack strapped to my back, my wee knees are jelly and it quivers my timbers, the idea of taking that tram up hundreds of feet in the air! But it will be an unforgettable adventure and I cannot resist.

Aunt Judi reports at dinner with M&N that she is well and my boys are doing fine (and apparently not driving her too crazy, thank goodness). I miss their sweet purrs. I miss you all as well and am sending you my good thoughts. I return in one week, and though it seems I am really getting the hang of this traveling thing, I am looking forward to that exquisite feeling of coming home.

Love T


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