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Note from Tory: Skies and Saunas

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Snow and water

This morning I took careful inventory of all my moving parts -- abused by yesterday's exertions and four weeks on the road. But after consideration I pronounced myself sound, and prescribed two ibuproven with my morning coffee.

The slopes were less crowded today and the sun was out. I skiied through occasional fog banks to pristine views. I hit all my favorite runs from yesterday ... they seemed easier today for some reason :-) I called it a day when my quivering legs could take it no more, and skiied the long way down to the base of the gondola.

I was wearz and got a pretty sunburn (less cutouts the exact shape of my sunglasses), so I dropped off my gear and headed off to the sports center to avail myself of the sauna. With the ticket came access to the swimming pool and I took a nice long dip, swimming back and forth and pretending I really could swim (even though I've never been particularly good at it).

When I was completely tuckered, I headed to the sauna only to find it was strictly 'swimsuits verboten'.

Zipes. Hmmm. Yep.


But boy did I really want that sauna and the place seemed deserted, so I discretely shed my suit, dropped my towel at the entrance and scurried in. I nearly jumped out of my skin to find another person there but she was a lady and was repine on the top shelf so I skidded to the far side and stretched out. The place smelled like cedar and mint. Absolute heaven.

Around five minutes later, the swim guard / manager guy opened the door and started talking to me! I couldn't understand a word he was saying and I would have turned beet red if not for my advanced sunburn and the sauna's heat. He finally switched to English: I had to lay on my towel, rather than on the bare wood. My bad.

I laid out my towel and resumed my repose until another sauna customer (a guy) walked in. He was naked as the day he was born. That was enough for me, and I raced out after a polite interval. :-)

Tonight I am going to treat myself to a real Swiss dinner (I have been subsidizing my skiing habit by eating out of the grocery store). Fondue is only available for two, so I will have to settle for a nice raclette or wurst. Not too shabby.

Love T


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