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Note from Tory: Berlin

Saturday, February 20, 2010


Other places are about art maybe, or the view, or the shopping... but Berlin is absolutely a city of history.

First, I am rooming in a hotel located near Alexander Platz in the old Ost Berlin sector (not far from the famous TV tower). That, in and of itself, just blows my mind since the last time I was here, the wall divided the city and the eastern (Soviet) sector was a scary, tense passage through the checkpoint. But now, Ost Berlin is the hip district, the city center, and awash with tourists like myself, despite the ice and snow and slush.

But it is such fun to FINALLY be able to speak the local language, even if everyone still answers me back in English. You would think, since I can ask for directions whenever I need, that I wouldnt get lost so often, but not the case.... Figures.

This morning, I dumped my bulging pack at my hotel, and headed out onto the streets for a quick look about. I was just trying to figure out the difference between the SBahn and the UBahn when a crowd started to gather, English speakers like myself. It was a meeting point for an English language walking tour, so I joined right in. Yep, I leaped right in without considering that four hours walking the streets of Berlin -- the Brandenburg Gate, the Jewish memorial, Checkpoint Charlie, etc, etc, -- might get a tad chilly. Umm. Yes. Just a little. By the end of the third hour (Hitlers Bunker) I was a friggin popcicle. When we reached the hotel where Michael Jackson dangled his baby out the window, I my fingers and toes were painful stubs and I was looking for a way to dodge out without being noticed....


I stuck it out to the bitter(ly cold) end but spent my lunch money instead on a swift taxi back to my hotel where I steamed all the windows and used nearly all the water in their hot water tank.

Blissfully reheated, I wandered around the "hipster" district until my hunger caused me to start lingering more over the cafe menus than the stylish clothing shops (that is NOT like me at all!). So now I am now absolutely famished and am off to discover a place to dine. And I send you all my love.

Love T


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