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I'm puzzled

KC told me that Sandra had written a letter on the blog. I don't see it. Did it go into the atmosphere and is not returnable?

Also, KC, would you send me Yurek's return e-mail address. I appreciated receiving his nice letter but the heading was left off.

The sun is shining today, and was shining yesterday. It is 40 degrees outside. The Seahawks have just lost their game with the Chicago Bears. And yesterday I was sad to learn the Philadelphia team also lost.

Today I planted some pumpkin seeds. I know, I know --it is much too early. The ground was so hard I planted the seeds on top of the ground, covered it with fertilizer, and on top of that, some ground up bark. It makes a nice mound, so we'll see what happens when Spring arrives

and wakes up the seeds, and if all goes well, there will be pumpkins this fall!!!


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