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Welcome to the Family Little Dog

How great, a little dog in the family. Diana, I am sure that you are thrilled, as are the cats! So will we be seeing photos soon. I actually don't know what a rat terrier looks like. Have you named the little creature yet?

Today, Sid and I went to buy a vacuum cleaner to pick up the never ending cat hair that has taken over our lives. Cat hair everywhere. We also bought some combs so that we can try to comb them on a regular basis and perhaps diminish some of the shedding. It is a good thing they are so cute and adorable, right?

Sid did research on the internet to figure out which v.c. would be the best one. We will let you know - to all you pet owners who are probably always in search of the hair "eliminator."

Today's weather was really wonderful. Hope it was the same for all of you out West! Tomorrow we are going to my sister's for Easter. And of course in the good Italian tradition, the holiday centers around a lot of food - I guess I should say too much food. But the tradition is lamb on Easter. So my sister - with great hesitation is cooking lamb, so that my mom and grandmother are assured that we are keeping holiday rituals alive.

As you can probably guess, yes that's right you guessed it - Nina is less than thrilled about it. Oh the drama of it all.

Well I hope you all have a wonderful Easter.

With Love,



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