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"Borzoi Blastoff"

I spent the weekend hunting -- well, one day anyway. As I told Bop, by the time we had driven out to our normal hunt site this morning, snow was coming down heavily, with about 4 inches already on the ground. Luckily--no wind, otherwise the road would have drifted closed in minutes. As it was--we looked at each other and decided we would be beyond foolish to hunt in those kinds of conditions. We ended up convoying back into civilization. Colorado Spings was sunny and warm. Amazing contrast. Here are some pictures from yesterday's hunt. Some snow on the ground but the problem was the wind: 40 mph sustained with gusts to 50 and 60. Hard to stay on one's feet and frankly, somewhat miserable. Tom spent the weekend in Albuquerque where Ambassador grandson won best of breed over 16 borzoi, Durango 2nd. Durango won open class, but got beat out by a field champion for best of breed. Good weekend for the Zoiboyz for sure.

I was the only person crazy enough to carry a heavy expensive camera to the field, so no pictures of me. This is a picture of the judge (guy) and fellow borzoi owner. The borzoi in the pink, shown here, is Sparkler who tied for 1st place with Challenger.

Here is Challenger (yellow) chasing the jack with Sparkler (pink) and Andre (blue) close behind.

Here we are, walking back to the cars after finishing the borzoi part of the hunt. You can see the spindrifts of snowdust being kicked up by the wind.


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