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Some Diarrhea Treatments

Poor you, poor little pups!! Diarrhea is miserable for everyone. Dehydration can be a problem if it goes too long. Pinch their skin over a rib or their spine--if its slow to flatten out, regain its shape, then it might be best to take them to the vet. Alternatively, you can tell dehydration by for dried spit on their tongues, or around their gums and teeth. If they are drinking, appear hydrated, that's good.

I'm not sure what they might have--giardia is one possibility. Fecal test would tell for sure. It's pretty endemic around Oregon from what I understand. At any rate. Pepto-bismo is one solution, but I understand not so good for dogs that may be dehydrated. Another simple one is Imodium, an over the counter human drug.

Food such as pumpkin and yogurt is good, you also did right with the chicken and rice. Fasting for a day may help rest their gut. A week of diarrhea is pretty hard on one's system.

I haven't tried it but there's a product metronidazole that's relatively cheap when purchased as a fish product, but expensive when dished out by the vet. Same stuff--just different markets I guess. Metronidazole is also sold as Flagyl when prescribed for people. All the same stuff. Melissa buys metronidazole by the bottle and doses her hounds with it for 5 days. It's a cure rather than something that slows the gut like Pepto-bismo or Imodium, but it tastes TERRIBLE. Best taken with food or after a meal. Unfortunately, I can't guess what the dosage might be, so that's not too much help. If you give me your best guess on their weight, I'll see if I can get info.

Sorry I can't help more. Sometimes a trip to the vet is the only sure solution.


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