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Green Beans and Guitar

Mother, you will be happy to hear that last night Jessica, Bill and I ate a package of the green beans you gave us. Jess found a recipe where you mix soy sauce, oil, vinegar and a touch of cayenne together and toss the cooked green beans in it and then sprinkle toasted walnuts on top. Yummmmmm!

I am very excited about going to my first guitar lesson tonight! I got a confirmation email yesterday, so I guess there were enough students to actually have a class!! Finally!! It is a beginner class, but I thought I should start at the beginning. That way it will look as if I am a fast learner (at least for the first three classes).

I am really looking forward to attending Stephanie's graduation May 1st. Kay's crew is a lot of fun, and I can't wait to see them.

Jessica is starting her temporary 3 month assignment to the Portland store on May 1st. They are giving her a raise and a furnished apartment. She will be coming to Corvallis on her days off, at least some of the time. She generally only gets one day off at a time, and a trip to Corvallis for a day is a lot easier than going to Seattle for a day!

Love to all,

Diana and Beastie, her beloved rat terrier!


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