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Repak was today instead of Wednesday. But it was for this one time only. When my name was drawn I became the owner of two dining table chairs, that were 'knocked down' and packaged. Now, that KC is coming down and Judi and Kay are here, we will be having lots of fun putting the chairs together. It is great having so much skilled help.

We were treated to a few light sprinkles. and the weather is fairly warm. When I look at the temperatures in the paper, I look to see what it is in Philadelphia. There isn't too much difference!

The RN was here this morning and brought two big roses and some ferns. He is really patient with me, and took my blood pressure, listened to my lungs and heart (and no, I didn't have to get undressed). I was glad when he left because I had to leave for Tangent where the Repak is held. Today we packaged a lot of string beans and carrots. Frozen, of course.

Much love, your Bopcha


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