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Hi everyone!! It's Nina! I miss you guys so much!! Especially Bopcha. I hope you feel better. I just wanted to let you know that I got straight A's on my report card for the 3rd marking period!!! I am Oregon-sick. I hope I'll be there soon. I've been working very hard in school and with teen-drama stuff. (It's just easier to avoid it. :-)

Guess what!?!? I got bunnies!!! I got a orange-white bunny named Pum. (French for apple.) He's a mini-lop so he's gonna get big but he's still got the floppy ears! I love him so much. He's my special bunny. I picked out in the store ecause he was the runt and nobody likes the runt so I took him under my wing. My brother also git a bunny. His name is Clouds. He is a white-black bunny. He is a dwarf so he's got short ears and he'll stay small hence the name, dwarf. How are the chickens? I smell chicks!

I miss Oregon so much. I think I'm coming there this summer! I hope Iget to see everyone!!! How's the rander. Ha ha ha. I miss you. Write back!!!


Nina :-D


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