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News from Bopcha

Well, that is a good heading, but actually there is not much news from this area that you have not heard about already. The chickens are beginning to lay again, and they are busy tilling the soil in the garden spaces. Question: The snow seems to stay the longest on the garden spots we have in town and at the farm. The snow will still be white on the garden when all the other snow has melted. I thought all the organic material in the ground would make it warmer and hence melt the snow faster!

Sid, do you still have your garden spot? I have been looking at the seed catalogs for SALSIFY SEED. It grows something like parsnips but had a fishy taste when it is cooked. I used to like it as a kid. It might also be known as an OYSTER PLANT.

We found a strange apple shaped fruit from a tree in the park. It is called a Hedge apple or an Osage Orange. It is not edible and is related to a mulberry. It is as big as a big apple. It is funny how I keep learning something new all the time.

I take sunflower seeds out to the farm chickens to give them a treat. When they see my car come over the hill, they all come running to meet me. One hen, one that Kay gave me, sees the sunflower seeds in the plastic bags and pecks a hole in the bag so the seeds come falling out. She has done it more than once. The weather id great at last! Love, Bopcha


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