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Garden Snow Mystery Remains Unsolved

I searched the internet for any insight into the mystery of why snow would last longer on the garden. I did not find an answer!

This is my last day at work for a few days. My eye sucking surgery is tomorrow. It means I will miss the Redhawks home game against Alaska-Fairbanks Thursday night! Grrrrrrrrr.....! In the last game, Noah and the rest of the boys who spend a lot of time on the bench got kicked out by the ref. We were leading by almost 20, so the coach put Noah and his buddies in a couple of minutes from the end of the game. It all went well, until one of the opposing players bumped our Redheaded point guard's shoulder. Red shoved the opposing player in response, J.J. (a tall Redhawk from Reno) leaped into the fray and so the ref kicked all five Redhawks out of the game and the starters had to come back in for the last 8 seconds. Noah and the boys had so much fun getting kicked out that they didn't mind in the least. Their playing time was limited but oh so memorable!

Jessica is excited to be going to Vegas in February for three or four days. Her friend and roomate Katrina's parents are funding a lot of it apparently, and the dad has arranged for them to have their own bartender in some celebrity nightclub. I don't have a clue what that really means, but I'm sure it will be a ton of fun and a nice break from retail madness.

Love to you all. If I expire during surgery by some fluke, know that I have led a blessed life, mostly because of all of you. After I ascend to the great beyond, I will make it my heavenly duty to bring those of you who have strayed back into the fold.



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