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T minus 36 days and counting

Fast We had a terrific drive to Klamath falls yesterday. The pictures do not do justice, it was absolutely stunning!! AS you can see we ran into snow over the pass but it was nothing like my Wyoming adventure. Thanks Goodness! We drove down to see if Bopcha would be suitable for the new micro hearing aid that is getting such attention. the audiologist was extremely nice and very accommodating and notified us that Bopcha’s ear canals are too narrow. After a delightful trip back we discovered the appalling news that during the fitting, which required a fair amount of probing , our friendly audiologist had managed to cut the inner ear canal which caused bleeding from the ear. As you can imagine I was horrified! Bopcha of course takes everything in stride but I was on the verge of a psychotic break. We went to the clinic to have it checked out and received a prescription for some eardrops. We picked them up today and I have just administered the prescribed 5 drops a couple of minutes ago. The prognosis seems to be all good but we will keep an eye peeled for any unusual symptoms.

On a more positive note Diana and Bill drove down with Noahs queen bed in tow which we packed up to the second floor bedroom (at 11.00 pm!) they then took a single out to the farm for the crush of guests that judi is expecting after Stephanie’s graduation.

I am into uncharted territory with my own having never gone longer than 5 days. Bopcha of course is an old hand at this having once done a water fast for 20 days! We are tracking weight and Blood pressure via an ipad which I purchased. That’s all for now.


Bopcha 120

Sid 224

Klamath Falls drive


Eastern Oregon


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