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"One-eye" Blakney reporting for duty.

After five agonizing days of facing the ground, today my surgeon released me to look up, stating that he could tell I had done an excellent job of "positioning." He said, "Well, the gas bubble has done all it is going to do ... we'll see what happens ... come back in one week." So, while I can't really see out of my left eye (I see some shapes and some big jiggley black circle at the bottom of my field of vision), I am going back to work tomorrow. I see fine with my right eye and, as long as I am careful, I shouldn't miss depth of field too too much. Needless to say, I am suspending all exercise for now. Ditto for driving.

We were sad to hear about having to put our favorite race horse down. I imagine everyone on Penn's campus is grieving. I hope Nina and Alex didn't take it too hard. Hopefully, they are more fixated on chickens.

Sid, while my face was down, I spoke to your friend the Devil. He has some interesting plans for you .....

Ha ha ahaaaaaaaaaa....




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