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Fasting Camp


Here I am among my fasting comrades. I really admire the discipline. I thought I might fast with them for a day or two, but I created lots of reasons in my mind - why I shouldn't do that. I thought one cranky Sid is enough, why have a cranky Sandra visiting as well. :-) Okay I am just kidding - I am not trying to give you a hard time, really Sid.

I have been considerate though as I am not eating in front of Bopcha and Sid - when possible. I have to admit this morning I was kind of hungry and started munching on some rice crackers with peanut butter. But I was trying to discretely munch away and satiate my growling stomach. I felt so guilty though.

We just went out to the farm to see the ducks and chickens. It seems that one of the ducks died. Not sure why. They are going so quickly. They are still pretty cute. It is nice to see such an abundance of chickens. Lots of eggs are on the way I suppose.

Today a harpist came to Bopcha's and played. The performance exceeded our expectations. It was really lovely and she was really good. She played all her own compositions. Interestingly enough, she did not learn to play harp until 45 years of age. She played the acoustic base. Her husband makes harps in Corvallis and he is apparently one of the best harp makers in the country. He sells his harps all over the US. He works in his workshop which is located on his home property. I was thinking what a life. He loves doing it and is very good at it.

She said she will come back upon request, so if any of you want a live harp performance, Bopcha's house is the featured concert hall.

Take care everyone and I will write in soon.




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