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The house in Corvallis must seem awfully quiet with Sandra and KC gone! Not that they are noisy, but they both have an amazing presence. I hope you rode the Corvallis bike, Sandra. How did you like it?

I'm at work early. Noah brought me. Jessica's Bellevue store needed warehouse workers today, so she recruited Noah and he had to be in Bellevue early in order to catch a carpool to Sumner. Apparently the group that comes together for the two day warehouse gig consists of a very interesting bunch of people! Can't wait to hear about Noah's experience!

Jess is doing well in Portland. She has had a couple of days off here and there and has managed to walk around the city, getting acquainted. The Bellevue store may steal her back for a week in early June - they have a special event that they need her for. My my, the girl has a work ethic that reminds me of her Aunt KC! It will be nice to see her. I miss her!

Noah said that his basketball team, the Beef Mayos, got blown out badly last night. He said he has never been on the receiving end of such a blow out in his entire life. He said the other team was huge at every position, could shoot, and that everyone on the team had to have played college basketball. Noah is the only guy on his team to have played college ball, and some of his team members didn't even play high school ball. He was laughing about it, so I guess it was a good lesson in humility.

I will not be coming to CVO this coming weekend. I will be down for Memorial Day weekend.




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