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Back in Philly

Hello Everyone,

Here I am - back in gray Phila. Actually the day I returned, it was cold and rainy and not very welcoming. Luckily, it is sunny today which makes it a bit easier to move about. The day I returned, I got off the plane and had to go straight to our General Counsel's Office to prepare for a hearing, followed by getting up the next morning and heading straight down to Human Relations Commission for the conference/ hearing. It was a little disorienting, but it all went okay.

It was really nice to visit Bopcha, and it was great to see you in such great spirits Bopcha, and the mind certainly is a powerful function so keep up your spirits. I think we are all amazed and the endless days of not eating. It certainly is admirable, and wow does it seem difficult.

Diana, I rode the bike a lot and it was great. It is such a nice bike - very solid. There is so much "bike territory" in Oregon and it is much more enjoyable and calming than riding in Philadelphia. Although there are supposed to be some very good biking areas outside the city - but getting to them means going through the city - not an option for me.

The nice long chats with the sisters were also a lot of fun. I think Sid will tell you that I can sit and chat for hours with my sister. There is something so soothing about just sitting around and talking to sisters. KC and I sat at the Beanery and talked up a storm over coffee one morning. And then Kay joined us and of course we couldn't conclude the conversations at that point so all three of us talked for another hour or so. Just think if Judy and Diana had been there, then we could justify being there all day :-)

What a great family!!!

I will get back to my work for now but hang in there Bopcha and Sid. You are at the home stretch.

Lots of love and hugs to all of you.


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