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Wish I Could Join You

Hello All,

I just saw Diana's schedule for running this weekend. I really wish I could join you adn Kay. I love running on nice trails. My running is rather lame these days, and Diana I don't know if I could keep up with you. Running an 8K is a lot. You are really treking those miles aren't you?

Have the deer eaten your garden? I hope not. I am trying to plant herbs on our back balcony. It is always a bit of a balancing act to do anything on the back balcony because as soon as you open that back door the cats go storming outside. It is okay for them to be out there but you have to watch everything they do. They first assume their lounging positions on the neighbors side of the balcony. If they think I am going to make them go inside they roll around on the concrete to let me know they are not interested in going back inside. The best part is when start sniffing the neighbors' herbs and even chew at them a little if they are left "unsupervised" by me.

Last week, they were even bold enought o run into our neighbors' condo when they opened the back door to talk to me. They are very curious. I had to lure them back out to the balcony so I could get them back into our condo. They are a handful, but boy are they cute. My favorite is when they stand at their neighbors' glass door and and just watch them - with their cute little faces. Thank God our neighbors are animal lovers or those cats would be in trouble.

So Sid and Bopcha are slowly but surely getting to the end of the fast. Wow what determination! This has to be one of the toughest things anyone can do. It will be wonderful when they are on the other side, and that is right around the corner.

Have a great run Diana - stay strong and I will run a couple of miles with you in mind.

Let me know how it is going.

Love to all,



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