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Hello Everyone,

I am back to the Gritty City and tomorrow will be the ultimate gritty feeling as it is supposed to go back up to 100 degrees. Imagine how great that will feel :-)

I wanted to write in earlier but I have been just trying to catch up on everything. I am moving slowly because I am still on West Coast time and can't seem to get myself going until later in the day. I finally found a good moment to write since I was sitting in someone's office for a meeting and she had to take an important phone call. Hmmm, should I be taking this personally?

Actually it really isn't a problem, I understand that it was an important call and I had to leave her office.

I have been wanting to share my beautiful Oregon pictures with everyone at work, but no one seems to have anyt ime for such pleasures, even though they say they really want to see them. I have been promised that next week I can show them :-)

It was so great to see all of you. Bopcha, we all love to see you smiling. You look very nice in the photos on the blog. I also loved the puppy stories told by KC. They sound so sweet. It's probably hard to see them all go. On the one hand you are probably glad but at the same time you hate to part with them. I missed our little kitties while I was gone

and they were as cute as ever when I returned. Our cat sitter was wonderful and she seemed to really enjoy staying at our place and being able to use the pool. She said the cats were really adorable and Zuki followed her around the house. Sounds like Zuki.

Diana thanks for the ride to the airport, it was nice to have a chance to chat with you before the endlessly long flight back to the East Coast. It sure is a long trip. If only it were a bit closer.

I am sure the West Coasters don't wish the East Coast was any closer.

By the way, Nina has been doing her riding lessons and she is really enjoying it. In fact my sister said her whole mood has changed and she actually seems happier. Yup, Nina sure loves her time with the horses, which is wonderful. The only thing that would make her happier is if her parents would actually get her a horse for their backyard. But of course that is not legal nor is it even possible. Too bad.

Wow Diana, you are bringing a lawn mower to Corvallis, but now everyone will be fighting over it. Everyone will be wanting to mow the grass :-) Maybe you could set up a waiting list ;-)

Take care everyone. Much love to all of you,



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