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Wednesday (Kay)

Had my morning all planned out in my head - take dogs for walk on Chip Ross trail, then take dogs to have nails clipped, take dogs home and pick up laundry and go to laundromat and then go to Bopchas. We did Chip Ross and Luis found something really foul to roll in. So, the boys went home and got a bath and we will do nail clipping tomorrow. Pulled a bunch of dandelions at Bopchas this afternoon while she was having her finger pricked. Sid is now off buying food and should return shortly.

It is really humid in Corvallis and the sweat is rolling down my back. Early this morning I called Dian Gurtler (formerly Dian Zimmerman of Days Creek HIgh School). She is working at the Manley Hot Springs Lodge in Manley. We played a little catchup and she remembered KC and her long brown hair. I take great delight in telling all those people that remember KC and her long brown hair that it is now short white hair. Brown hair begone. Dian doesn't have a computer and doesn't know how to operate one but her daughter is the postmistress in Manley and the post office is getting a computer the first part of August and she will have her daughter email me. I guess I can then get a mailing address for her and correspondence with Dian the old fashioned way. I don't think I have talked to her in 45 years.


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