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Finally writing

A friend sent me this video (youtube) It is so funny athough I don't think it was meant to be. Here all these years I've been thinking that designing and making clothes required some skill and some idea of how to sew, but apparently that is not the case. All you really need is the ability to cut. Take your scissors out everybody and let's design our own line :-)

Adam mit den Scherenhänden Click here

I have a view of a mommy cat and her litter of five adorable playful angelic looking kittens from our balcony off the kitchen. I think it is quite possibly "Luna's" mother who had the kittens. She is gray and white and I think I recognize her as the mother of the litter that Sid rescued when he brought home one of them (our beloved Luna). I feel sad for these innocent little kittens because if they don't have a home, they will be street cats. They are so sweet as they jump around the backyard of what looks like a vacant house. Right now they play with each other and look like happy little creatures, but don't they need a home???? I am not sure what to do as I feel like I should do something to find them homes. But I can not really get into the backyard. Hmmmm ........what to do?????

One of our cats (the younger male cat) has been making himself available to the neighbor next door. He goes into their kitchen when they leave the back door open and explores their apartment. This is definitely an example that looks really do matter. When they see this small all white cat with an angelic face how in the world are they supposed to be annoyed and throw him out???/But seriously, their grandaughter is visiting from London for a week (she is nine years old) and she has been able to play with Zuki as he makes himself available to her by going into her grandparents' condo. She is of course thrilled to have such a cute little kitty to play with. He is just a regular clown. Luna of course if more reserved but still quite the polite little lady to strangers. :-)

Anyway, stop me before I turn into one of those crazy "cat ladies." Sid is not tan he is brown as dark brown, my goodness I have never seen anything like it. Diana, yours is a beautiful sophisticated looking tan, Sid's is well .......hmmmm not sure. No just kidding he looks like he got a lot of sun. Sid hope you are using sunscreen, not that I EVER do but I definitely tell others to use it.

Bopcha, take good care and stay strong. I think about you all the time. I am sending good thoughts, positive vibs your way, the works.

With love,



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