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Noah Day #2

So today my sleeping schedule was a little bit more normal. Even though I woke up around 2:30 am and didn't fall back asleep until 5 am, I woke up at 8am and had breakfast at the lodge. We were supposed to go to this other organization around 9am and meet with the Womens Trust organization but we were stopped by mother nature. At around 9 we were met with a light drizzle, something very similar to the days in Seattle and then in a matter of minutes, we were met with a downpour as bad as I have ever seen having grown up in Seattle. As far as rain goes in Ghana, people stop what they are doing and go inside. Daily life goes on pause or whatever is done is done inside. The main reason to my understanding is that because the roads here are so poor, it is dangerous to try and drive any where. Plus, there is the danger of flash floods which apparently has claimed the lives of people as recent as this year. So basically we hung out at the lodge, taking pictures, cracking jokes and doing the occasional reading to the sound of heavy rain. Kind of reminded me of home. Once we finally left it was about 12:30 and we went to the Womens Trust building in Pukuase I think which is a part of Accra similar to Ofankor. They are similar to A Village Net except they were started a few years earlier so seem to be a little more advanced and have a larger client base. Afterwards we had lunch where I had Yams with this spicy spinach sauce. It was delicious, but the portions are so big here that I challenged myself to finish my plate. Ending up in a 2.5 hour nap that I just woke up from a few minutes ago. It is 7:45 pm here by the way. Hopefully I am not up too long tonight.




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