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Noah - Day 3

Today we woke for breakfast (Toast/Coffee/Omlette) at 8am and left by 9:30. Because there was no downpour we were able to get our day started on time. We first travelled another Organization, somewhere in the greater Accra region. This organization was called World Class Ghana. It's purpose is not only for loans and entrepreneurial guidance and training but also for various healthcare. There were a bunch of babies getting weighed and tended to in one of the other larger rooms. After we left there, we drove about an hour an a half somewhere up in the hills. We went to an orphanage whose purpose is not just to take kids off the streets and give them care but they are so self sufficient that they have their own food supply with the farm they have. Very cool. On the way back from the orphanage we got a flat tire that took about a half hour to chang because the van is pretty old and we didn't exactly have all the necessary tools needed. Today was a fun day.




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