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Travel Journal

Hello Noah and all,

I absolutely love hearing about your travels through Ghana. It really is great that you are writing in each day to family and at the same time you are creating a journal, which you will always have. It is always so great to go back and read your life events from a time period gone by. You get to relive the experience in a way. Thanks for sharing and it so interesting to hear about a place that is so far away. Hope you continue to have a wonderful trip. Loved hearing about the orphaned children working toward self-sufficiency. That seems like a project worth learning more about.

It sounds like the family really enjoyed Joe Bonamico's dining and entertaining skills. Sid says you all enjoyed some great Southern Italian cooking. By the way, I have so much basil growing on the balcony - in one little container. I am even giving basil away to folks at work. They are immensely greatful and usually very impressed. Little do they know that it is probably the first time in about .....well okay a lifetime......that I have successfully grown something. It must be because this year there are two cute kitties to sit under the basil plant and keep it company. I don't think it really has anything to do with the fact that I remembered to water it every day.

I have had some wild stories going on at work. So much drama - I never get bored.

Take good care everyone, love you all so much!



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