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Noah - Day 4

Sorry this is coming so late. It is 8:30 in the morning here. Yesterday we were gone pretty much the whole day so when we got back everyone had to use the computers and because of the limited availability, I had to wait but then eventually just fell asleep. Yesterday we met at about 10 had breakfast and ventured out to a canopy walk a couple hours away in a protected forest environment. First we hiked up about 15 minutes fo pretty steep hills and stairs until we had to walk these rope bridges where the walk way was about a foot wide. As you walked (and there were multiple of us at a time) the bridge would shake and sway. The shortest bridge was probably 100 feet and we were no less than 60 feet off the ground I would say. If you were scared of heights at all, this was the place to be. After that it was about mid afternoon already so we sped back to the former Portugese, then Dutch, then English, slave castle in Cape Coast. According to our guide it was the oldest of all the slave castles in West Africa. It was pretty powerful. Don't worry I took pictures. After that we ate locally and got home around 11pm. It was a long day but it was definitely one of the most fun. I will update you guys when we get back this evening. It shouldn't be as late this time.




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