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Noah - Day 5

Today was cool. We started kind of early though. We first went to a school maybe 5 minutes away. We sat in on about 15 minutes of class where we did an exercise where we took about 5 minutes to envision where were going to be in 10 years. Most of the kids were around 13 so basically they envisioned where they'd be when they were my age. Obviously my vision looked more like a 33 year old. Either way it was fun to hear what all these kids wanted to be. Straight from there we went to a fruit harvesting company called Blue Sky. We went on a tour and I had some of the best pineapple/mango juice i've ever had as well as mango slices. Straight from there we met up with a local soccer camp/program nearby where we are staying that had a soccer game. It started raining right before we started playing so instead we first witnessed a local dance ceremony. Then as the rain continued to come down we played soccer with a large group of 13-17 year old girls. They're good. Once we were drenched and we took pictures we came straight back for dinner and a nap. Exhausting but fun day.

love, noah



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