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Noah - Days 6 & 7

Sorry again for missing a day guys. There are technically two computers here but only one of them remotely works and everybody is on them all day so it is hard to find the right time. Either way the last 2 days, again, have been really cool. Yesterday, we met with the coach of a girls soccer team which is co-run by this club and school. It is called Valued Girls. We met him in the morning to discuss expanding their computer lab of about 10 computers to something closer to 50. Not that simple but intriguing, still. In the afternoon we went to a ceremony held in one of the local villages of greater Accra honoring the dead. It was cool to see all the people gathering to pay their respects to people who had long past away. After that at about 5pm we returned back to Joy Family Lodge and as I thought I was going to be able to sneak a nap in before dinner I was told that we were going to the beach. So all the students here, which is 8 total people, packed some of our stuff, and took a solid hour and a half long journey to this resort. We ate at this Italian restaurant and had pizza. Who would've thought. Afterwards we came down to our campsite and hung out near the ocean. It was cool to look out onto the Atlantic Ocean and have it disappear into the distance. Kind of surreal. This morning we came straight back to see the Valued Girls soccer game in which they won in the last couple minutes. We went straight from there to a Frankies, a type of American style restaurant that had everything an American could want. I had a cheese burger with fries. Since then we have come back to the lodge and packed up some of our stuff to get ready to go inland to Kumasi for a couple days. I'm not sure what the internet access will be like there but I am told we are staying in a dorm of one of the local universities. If I don't get back to you soon don't worry. This place is unbelievably safe. Seriously it's kind of a joke. Its about the equivalent to walking around mercer island by yourself at night. anways talk to you guys later.




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