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Noah - Days 8 & 9

Hey guys. Sorry for the hiatus. We stayed in Kumasi for the last couple of nights. From what I am told, Accra seems to be some of the newer parts of Ghana and Kumasi is more of the cultural and historical center. We actually were not that busy while we were out there. It is about 4 hours away from where we are staying in Accra so much of the time was spent driving/getting from one place to the other. We didn't do much other than drive eat, and meet with a couple of students at the local university involved with SIFE - Students In Free Enterprise - A program we have a Seattle U. We just picked their brains on how they have tried to gain some entrepreneurial spirit within the community and what not. Very interesting. Today, we drove back and met a church group outside Accra, with the topic being a potential bakery that they would like to start there. We basically just brainstormed different ideas and/or asked questions regarding how they were going to run it. Good day but long. We are about to go to dinner so until tomorrow...Hope all is well in Seattle/Corvallis.



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