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Celebration of Nina's Birthday

Hello Everyone,

I can hardly believe it's already been a week since I was in Oregon with all of you in memory of Bopcha. Gathering together as we did last Sunday made me reflect a lot on how special this family really is --probably sounds really trite. I know I could describe this sentiment better, but what I can say is that each time I spend time with all of you as a family, I think about how each of you are individually interesting, lively and super caring and then collectively, you are just dynamite. I always cherish those times - I say that with complete sincerity.

Today, we spent time with the East Coast family. The occasion was Nina's birthday, the featured guest was not Nina but Sid. He was more like a celebrity; everyone clammering to get in the front of the line to hug him and welcome him back. Nina and Alex were of course besides themselves. They were so so happy to see him, and it was so sweet. Nina and Alex each had their own little universes that they so passionately wanted to invite Sid to join in. Alex had a box filled with dirt and little trees that he built with branches, and best of all colorful caterpillars. He was quite happy to let the little critters crawl on your hand or arm if you so desired. I gave it a try and so did Sid, my mother not so much. Can you imagine rejecting this slimy worm-like thing caterpillar on you. How could she?

Nina had lots of songs that she has been "practicing for Sid." She was anticipating showing off her new songs. She, Alex and Sid sat on the sun porch and played with guitars, caterpillars, dirt etc.... while the rest of us did boring things like prepare food in the kitchen......George had not come home yet from his hospital shift but once he did chess was in the mix too - again this time the "adults" were in the kitchen cleaning dishes.

All in all it was a good day.

I hope everyone is back into the swing of routine and feeling okay. I will be writing in regularly - hope we will continue this lovely tradition of talking from afar.

I think of you all and hope you are all taking good care.

With much love,



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