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Back at Work

Hello Everyone,

Sid and I are both back at work today. We had a nice hiatus with the three-day weekend. Today, I was thinking that I will soon be able to get the dramatically large object out of my office - you now that device that was cooling off my office. Today it was making a rattling sound and thought it might be breaking down, but then realized that I had not emptied out the tank. It was filled with water. Of course when I pulled out the HEAVY tank, water was dripping on the floor. So then I had to get paper towels to clean up the little puddle. Who would have ever thought that my job could be so varied. Well at least all this activity gives me a chance to get up and move around often, which as you all probably know by now is always a welcome thing for me.

Luckily we have been having great weather since Sid got back. We are having sunny days with low humidity. It's a good thing because I don't think Sid wanted to deal with lots of humidity after being spared the oppressive weather. Although I don't know how long this is going to last, it may become humid again. I am not putting any air conditioners away yet.

What is everyone up to? How is the good old northwest? By the way, I noticed that now if you google

"Virginia Emma Picht" you actually locate the article (obituary) about her. Isn't that neat? There is no particular reason why I came upon that other than I was just thinking of her at one point and entered her name in.

I wish you all a very good week.




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