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Very Impressive

Hello All,

That is a very impressive and lovely pastry not to mention that it looks amazingly delicious. I love those types of plums and what a great way to eat them. Jessica, you are quite the chef.

How is everyone???? I hope everyone is feeling okay. I know that Sid and I are thinking of you all. We received a nice card from Judy and Kay. It was really great of you to write and thanks very much.

Sid has received so many cards from colleagues at work, I never knew he was so popular. It's always so amazing when people that you don't have much contact with are thoughtful enough to write and acknowledge your life passage. The thoughtfulness also always serves as a reminder to me to oblige and do the same when possible.

We are thinking of Tom these days. I know his surgery is coming up soon. It will be such a relief to have that behind and get back to normal movement again. Tom, we are sending lots of positive thoughts your way.

I wanted to mention that I have my own work-study student. Remember those days of work study? I don't know if any of you did that, but I remember always thinking how nice it is to get work-study assignments because they were always kind of easy and fun. You would always get a pretty good choice of where you could work. Only problem is that it was never enough money to live on even as a student and it always had to be "complimented" with a yukkie job like catering etc...

This young student is helping me file and organize all the files that are just piled everywhere in my office and my file cabinets. Yes indeed, it has gotten so out of control that I actually don't have organized files in some of my files cabinets, they are just sitting in the cabinets so I don't have to be constantly reminded of the disarray that exists around me. I firmly believe that if you must have a mess, you might as well have a hidden mess. :-)

Please take care everyone and Diana we will be thinking of you indulging in your yummy pie. I guess you don't even need to report how it tastes because we all know it will be scrumptous.

With Love,



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