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I am impressed!

Sandra, imagine having your very own assistant! How cool is that?

Kay and Judi and helpers - I am in awe of how much you have gotten done in a short time. Now, can I have one of those cinnamon rolls? Pretty please?

My computer failed, so now I am in an empty office hoping that our computer guy will come and fix it! He doesn't have a key to the office so I am hoping he'll stop by before tomorrow. I cannot access my email through the network here, and so I am sol until he fixes it. Plus, a guy from the entity that gives us work was supposed to stop by and drop off some documents for my new case. He hasn't shown up either!!! Grrrr........

I am really hungry, and I am thinking hard about the chicken that is left over from last night. If only I had a piece right now!

Watched Noah's rec team play on Monday night. Pure joy to watch them beat the other team by 40 points! We actually got JB to come with us, although she was reluctant. Watching bb is not real high on her list of fun things to do. Gavin made her go to a high school football game on Saturday, so I think she was sportsed out by Monday.

Gotta go now, since my life lacks sufficient interest to hold anyone's attention.




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