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No Fun Being a Grown Up

Diana, Diana, I know how you feel about being a grown up. I don't like it either. Every morning I think about how simple our kitties' lives are, and they are so nice becuase of it.

I am sorry to hear that you still have no computer. If you were dismissed from doing your work it would not be bad, but unfortunately you are still expected to get things done. How annoying. Is there an estimated time of computer arrival? Why is it taking so long?

Isn't it just unfathomable how dependent we are on our electronic lives? Without "access" we feel like we can't breathe just about. So can you work from a computer at home? or is the problem even more complicated than that? I hope you get your computer soon.

This morning I was up at 4am writing e-mails. I figured since I could not sleep, might as well do some work, and I did. Then I finally fell asleep again. And when I woke up and got to work, it was the same level of intensity and workload. And so my chaotic day began. Wow this place always has a lot going on.

So Sid talked to Tom the other day and it sounds like he is doing really well and recovering from his surgery quite well. What a relief that must be.

Take care and I've got to get back to work.


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