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Getting Back into the Game

Finally opened Bop's blog. Can't believe how much I've been missing, buried into my own little world for these past weeks.

Tom's surgery on 16 Sept came out beautifully. He had all 17 heavy duty staples (required to keep his big brain from seeping out the hole I think) removed yesterday--still no return of the trigeminal neuralgia pain. He's still on the heavy duty meds--the neurologist will begin weaning him off them gradually. Meanwhile, Tom's more painfree now than he has been in years: knees and neck all reinforced with titanium, nerve stem newly insulated with tephlon sponge, heart beaten into a regular life sustaining rhythm, and holes in the stomach wall all patched so intestines properly stowed again. I expect to see him leaping about like a gazelle shortly.

I start with my new company (Delta Solutions) doing my old job on 29 September (hooray). I can continue being a national treasure for another year.

Murray brought our old laptop that was sitting on the dust heap in the basement for two years back to life--the guy has magic fingers when it comes to PCs. I think your office needs him too Dee. M tells us he's now a student at a cullinary school majoring in pastry (!!) Some good eating times are ahead for the family with Judi doing savory, Murray doing pastry, and Tory coming up with her exotic touches. Meanwhile, we (Tom, Murray, and I) are hosting a visit by Nikole's parents this evening--no Nikole this time: just Pam and Dave and their labradoodle.

Tory's packing tonight for her visit to the Greek isles and Turkey. She promises she'll do her best to maintain her blog: singlewithbath

Sending love to all.


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