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Hello Dear Family

Wow it has been a while since I've had any down time to even write on the blog. Work has been rather busy (that is a bit of an understatement). Let's just say I am committing a major portion of my life to work. My bosses should be proud :-)

Well it sounds like we have the perfect "ingredients" for a culinary feast in Oregon. Maybe at some point in the future we will organize a family feast and Judy, Jessica, and Murray can feature their culinary delights. Don't you love the way I have not volunteered myself and volunteered others. Of course this is all done in good humor. Of course I would do my part, but it just won't match up to the true talents of the others in the family.

Sid and I were thrilled to hear about Tom's improved health. I am sure he is facing his challenges in recovering but sounds like he is a lot better off than he was. Thanks goodness. Tom you should be commended for what you've endured - physical pain such as what you experienced can't be underestimated.

Diana, one can only hope that by now your computer issues have been resolved. Life certainly is easier when computer problems are not there to serve as daily annoyances, don't you think?

So how is the weather in the Northwest these days? Beautiful as ever I'm sure but how about the weather? We had a nice break from the humidity as soon as we returned from Oregon and thankfully Sid had a more graceful introdcution to Philadelphia. But now our faithful friend has returned and it is super super humid, but not as not. It is quite tropical if you want to look at the bright side of things.

I need to get back to my work, but I wanted to let everyone know that I am thinking of all of you and hope you are all doing well. I will try to write more over the weekend. Perhaps I can write a little more about the Parson's adventures through "normal" like (okay maybe not so normal).

With much love,


p.s. can't wait to hear about Tory's travels. KC, be sure to pass them on. Of course I am happy to view them on her blog but don't have the blog address.


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