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Beavers and Redhawks Victorious!

Wow, what a night! The Beavers beat the Huskies (Jessica broke the news to me from Vegas - she's there with a family of die hard Huskies, so she delighted in telling me the Beavs won!).

Kay, and Bill and I drove to St. Martins University in Lacy (near Olympia) to watch the Redhawks win their game. We lost to the Saints earlier in the season, so it was fun to get a win on their home court. It got kinda tense because the Saints made over 25 points in free throws, and we couldn't hit a free throw if our lives depended on it! Noah did not play, but I know for a fact that he really works hard at practice to make the guys who do play, better than they would otherwise be.

The other good news for the Redhawks is that two of the teams with slightly better conference records both lost last night!!!! GNAC (our conference) is incredibly challenging this season. Anybody might beat you on a given night. If we make it to the play offs, that kind of competition might help us against all those talented California and East Coast teams.

Yours in basketball heaven,



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