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Hello Bopcha and All,

Its been a heck of a winter here. It started out nice enough, then came Groundhogs Day, with 'Phil' declaring an early spring. What followed next? - Artic Air, Snow, Ice, Rain, and more snow - and on its way tonight, more snow. Lets not forget the many, many miles and hours of Pennsylvania drivers stranded along the turnpike that went along with Phil's Omen

Up here in the Pocono's I find chains are the best way to go, theres nothing like the secure grip of a chain against the road.

Anyway, Joe Jr. has returned from Iraq, he seems unscathed. He was promoted to Sergeant. I'm very happy. Apparently he was closer to the "action" at times, than I had thought. In his opinion, and I can agree, we can't have war and peace at the same time, and war is such a tragedy. He quotes the same sentiments of many soldiers, "If we want to know what its all about, go to Iraq and see for yourself." I always add,"instead of changing the T.V. channel." Joe strongly opposes the public perception of the war - via the news media, and stresses the long term impact of our military purposes. I guess we'll all have to wait and see what time has to tell for the future of peace.

Sid and I, I'm sure you're aware "grinded" out over a hundred pounds of italian sausage in late Dec. I think we had a good time doing it and the sausages came out much better than last year. It was a healthy amount of work that kept us at it until about 3 AM and again the same morning 9 AM til about 4 PM. We just split them up yesterday at my parents house in the Philly suburbs. My Pop packaged em up for us with his shrink wrap machine, after Sid and I were doing it wrong. I think my parents are impressed with our new sausage making skills. I hope Sid will get some out there for you soon.

Other than that all is well with my son and daughter. Matt is doing wonders at work with me and is a very good worker. Kristy my daughter, works at a giant gasoline mart (WaWa food stores), in Camden just under the Walt Whitman Bridge. She works at least 40 hours a week and is attending Community College, she hasn't missed a class yet. I hope she's still shooting for Penn.

As always hope to see you soon, Best to All and please take care.

Joe Bonamico


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