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Bopcha Proven Right About Importance of Nutrition

First of all -- Happy New Year to all!! We're still wrapped up in the situation with the missing now found borzoi and the aftermath--the New Year's normal celebratory fun escaped me this year (that's not to say I'd have made it to midnight even if the hounds had stayed home).

Remember how Bopcha stressed the importance of nutrition? Look at this pictures of the little whippet puppy. The owner purchased from the breeder, hoping for great character and a body that would stand up to shows and performance demands, plus live a nice long healthy life. Within weeks, the puppies legs began to go awry. She asked me to take pictures she could sent to the breeder. Remembering the same thing had happened to one of my 'boyz and the research I'd done (too late to help my Charger, his front is all awry), I suggested she try feeding less powerful dog food. She took my advice and two weeks later, she sent me the pictures below--the puppy's legs are normal again. You see the impact of the food choices you make for your puppy almost immediately. It happens more slowly in infants, but I'll bet the effects of the right or wrong food occur with them. That's what Bopcha always said and I think the situation with the puppy is proof.Isn't that fascinating? Bopcha was so savvy.

Here is the puppy two weeks ago. She was eating dog food that caused some of her bones to grow too fast. Consequence if not corrected would be a life of misery due to misshapen skeletal structure.

Here the puppy is after two weeks on less powerful kibble. Her leg bones' growth has evened out and she's almost totally back to the perfect little body that nature had provided her.


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