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Buster Rest In Peace

Wow, poor little Buster. Sid and I are really sorry to hear about him passing away. But he is now in good hands with Bopcha keeping him on the right path. And of course all the Zoiboyz will be making sure he is having lots of fun in heavan.

Diana my only confusion is if he died in 2005, why are you just now telling us ;

Wow, KC those pictures are amazing. The farm looks stunning as always. The pastry looks as if there are about 25 layers, so what yummy filling sits between all those layers? And I think you are mistaken about the caloric makeup of that cake. To me it looks like a "Weight Watchers" advertisement - you know the one about moderation.

We got some more snow here in Philly and traveling was once again inhibited. Yesterday, we were supposed to be going to the Pocono (Mountains area) to help Joe make sausages, but the snow got the better of us. So in the end, Joe had to depend on his other sausage-making experts. Our expertise couldn't be utilized. Well ....Just kidding.

The Parsons are getting ready for their big move next week. The movers are arriving next week and they will be off to the next town over. I think the biggest adjustment will be for Nina and Alex who will be adapting to a new school with a very different social/class structure. It seems to be bringing the two little siblings closer though which is a beautiful thing of course.

I will keep all of your posted on how it all progresses for the Parsons.




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