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Eternal Snow

Hello Everyone,

I also have not had much time to write in even though I intended to many times. Snow is becoming a constant in our lives here in Philadelphia. It seems like every other day there is something snow-related happening. It is interfering with people's ability to get to work, be on time, etc... Sid and I have the blessings of being able to walk to work. On the other hand we don't get to ever use the excuse of snow as a reason not to show up or to get to work on time. What fun is that. I mean really what good is the snow if it can't be the ultimate excuse for not doing what you are supposed to do. Our car is still buried in the snow and I don't know when we will be moving it. It needs to be cleaned and shoveled out. I will volunteer Sid for that job, do you think he might be interested?

Thanks KC for the recognition of the wonderful hand2paw program. And yes Sid will be "judged" on whether he volunteers for the program. I will have to convince him. The program is actually picking up lots of good PR at Penn and they are talking about it going national. Although there are probably identical programs around the country, but they are just not publicized.

The Parsons have moved to their new house. Kay, thanks for asking about the move and I think it went okay, or should I say as well as can be expected for a family that has as much "stuff" as they do and lived in a 6000 square feet house. My sister was willing to just get a dumpster and throw out 85% of what they own. But she wasn't allowed to do that. Seems that they just can't seem to clear out the old house. There is lots of stuff that remained and needs to be cleared. It is still a work in progress. I think there have been several trips to the old house to clean it out. It seems rather endless. They sure are funny and my sister and I get a lot of laughs about how crazy that family is. But I wouln't have it any other way. Alex and Nina really like the new school. They are amazed at how nice everyone has been. It looks like other kids really like them and I am sure they are enjoying that. Can you believe that they actually told their parents not to pack ANY junk food for lunch because all the kids in teh school eat healthy food. Not that my sister really fed them much junk food, but I guess they are now living by an even higher standard of healthy food. Of course, George and Rossana have no complaints about that. But the morale of the Parsons moving story is " Don't ever move." My sister said it is an absolute nightmare. It really seems like it gets harder as you accumulate more stuff. I know that this family is very experienced in moving and probably quite good at it. So feel free to laugh at us Mancinis' who can't seem to move everything out of a house in one giant swoop.

Little dog Storm is adjusting. He was very confused the first few days and seemed quite nervous - poor little guy. He is okay now and I think he is enjoying all the walks among the pretty trees that are in the neighborhood. I guess he is just happy to have all his family around him. What more could he ask for? By the way, the current house is in a much more scenic location now. Of course there is no comparison to the scenery that all of you are living in but for us Philadelphians, their location looks pretty good.

KC, I am sorry to hear that your dog has the heart issue, is the racing career over or is there some way to continue. I am sure that was really disappointing for you, and I know you are sad for him.

I hope you are all having a nice winter season. What is going on in the NW with rain, are you getting lots of it?

That would be pretty tough to have constant rain, although I think I could adjust if it were not heavy rains.

I do find rain refreshing, I just don't like downpours like we have here on the East Coast.

Take good care everyone,




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