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Tory Visits for her Birthday

We got Murray a pulse measuring device with a computer hookup so he can keep track of his speed and distance as well as pulse rate. It sounded pretty cool--all that tracking and measuring capability appealed to me. Hopefully it does for M too. Tory got a new Carhart jacket--she looks so Colorado wearing it. Came in handy yesterday too--and even more this AM at 16 degrees and a strong wind.

It's the Super Bowl today. Tory's flying home today (boo hoo) but will be here long enough this AM to help prepare an hors d'oeurve--bacon wrapped lil' smokies. Tory says the treat is among the top SB party items. I'll take Tory to the airport and then get back in time to greet our SB guests. Melissa will be coming over along with one of Tom's buddies from the days they machined medical screws. Red also helped build our new paddocks--and mowed the front pasture when Tom was laid up. He's lots of fun.

We're impressed with the renovations you are doing Sid and Sandra. Getting professional help is great--especially some Irish brokes that are entertaining to boot. How can one lose? Tom and I often think of extending our house northward so we could have a winter garden and a great view of Pike's Peak. We just have to remember to enter the lottery so we can get the cash with which to work. Kay--I'm with you 100%!! Give me beige and white walls and plain hardwood floors. I think of the white walls as my canvas. I can bring in color with paintings, area rugs, borzoi statues, framed pictures, etc---or not, as I choose. And we can change them out without much effort.

I'm personally impressed with all the exercising you all have been doing. Kay and Judi biking about; Sandra doing her normal runs; Diana and Bill exercising. Good stuff. I'm really good at making sure the dogs are exercised. Hopefully that counts...

Lots of love, KC


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