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Zillionith Time

What beautiful pictures from Judi's birthday bash!! All that water in the creek--oh my, how it makes our hearts feel so good. Water is so precious.

Sandra - I "copy" what I've written every paragraph or so. I HATE it when the blog drops me or refuses to save.

Tom's first day of work went uneventfully--at work, but here at the ranch not so much. Melissa called a little after noon saying a stranger pounded on her door, breathlessly telling her "Evacuate!!! Fire!!!" She called Tom who called me--I'm way closer, he works about 50 miles away. I positioned the RV, ready to haul all animals but luckily road crews working on Curtis Road (they started the grass fire by accident) bulldozed a fire break saving our pasture from fire. They also saved the house east of us that you see in the picture. It was a close thing tho. Wind was from the west so although it tried to puff the fire north somewhat, it mostly pushed the fire to the east.

Other news (sorry, nearly all dog related!!): one of Tornado's little 'boyz Einstein (used to be named One Spot) took reserve to the best borzoi boy showing yesterday. Here's a picture of the three E-boyz at the show yesterday. Elwood on the right (beautiful, but was nervous in the ring), Eclipse (my boy--beautiful but but lost out to brother Einstein), and Einstein which his VERY proud owner.

Forget about the pictures for now. I can't get the resizing to stick; I can't get the "insert picture here" function to work. Makes me CRAZY. Sid--don't the blog site people care that their website functions are functional? Thankfully, I copied my text because I've had to repaste it into "new entry" about a zillion times. I'm giving up on getting those pictures inserted though. I'll remove them and resize on my computer and reupload them later. Grrr.

This picture shows the fire almost ready to gobble up the house east of us. In the lower right corner of the picture, you see our old brush pile, so all pretty scary at the time.

You can see the white poles marking our oval track and then our fence line. On the other side, you see how the fire has burned, crews are dampening the ground.

Elwood and his friend Joy, Elwood's owner Peggy holding Eclipse for me, and Garrett with the winning boy Einstein.


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