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Press Release for Murray's New Gig

BackOpening Spring 2011

Stopsky’s Delicatessen to open on Mercer Island

Jewish Delicatessen will feature inspirations from around the world,

homemade in the Pacific Northwest

“Eat something!” - Jewish Mother

Mercer Island, WA (March 21, 2011): Food is a central part of Jewish identity, and in America, there is nothing that embodies Jewish food culture better than the delicatessen. Stopsky's Delicatessen, opening in May on Mercer Island, aims to revive and modernize the deli by taking the best of Jewish cuisine and updating it with the fresh ingredients of the Pacific Northwest.

Stopsky's will celebrate and serve Jewish dishes from around the world. Classics items like pastrami, corned beef, matzoh ball soup, kreplach and kugel, rye bread, challah, and rugelach can be enjoyed either in the restaurant or at home. The majority of these products will be made in-house using locally sourced, sustainably grown, organic ingredients whenever possible. We call our approach "Tradition, Updated."

The restaurant will provide seating for 36, and be open initially for breakfast, lunch and weekend brunch. Dinner will be added later this year. In addition to dining in, patrons will be able to order many of the menu items for take-out, or purchase a wide variety of specially selected products in the retail section. Stopky's will also feature the exclusive, artisanal espresso.

A strong creative team has come together to reinvent Jewish delicatessen in the Pacific Northwest. Overseeing the kitchen and front-of-house is Robin Leventhal. Robin was the owner/chef of the acclaimed Crave Restaurant on Capitol Hill, and was a cheftestant on Season 6-Las Vegas of Top Chef as well as a chef instructor at New England Culinary Institute. Andrew Meltzer, aka "the bread maven," will oversee the bakery. Andrew co-founded the Columbia City Bakery where he cemented his reputation as a master of a variety of breads and other baked items. He taught at the Culinary Institute of America and is a master at braiding challah.

Owners Jeff and Lara Sanderson decided to open Stopsky's Delicatessen to celebrate family, heritage and community through food. In a return to his roots, Jeff named the restaurant in honor of his grandfather and great uncles. In 1905, Gilbert Stopsky and his three brothers arrived in America from a Jewish village outside Kiev, Ukraine. Wanting to assimilate to pursue the "American Dream," they changed their name to Sanderson. Stopsky's Delicatessen celebrates the Stopsky family's journey in America and reclaims the name with pride in this history and traditions behind it.

Stopsky's celebrates everyone's heritage and will bring people together through the experience of great food and a warm, welcoming atmosphere. An entire wall will be dedicated to presenting heritage photos celebrating the past and present. The entire community is welcome to contribute photos of their ancestors or of meaningful events celebrating Jewish life (weddings, holidays, bar mitzvahs). Photos may be submitted to and will go on rotating display.

Stopsky's Delicatessen will be located at 3016 78th Ave. SE on Mercer Island, in the Islandia Shopping Center, right next to Island Books. For more information, contact Jeff Sanderson at


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