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Such Wonderful Things

I get busy and forget to read the blog and then....WOW!! I'm a great aunt again to an absolutely beautiful little girl! My son will be a baker chef at a really spectacular sounding new restaurant!! Predators are having free rein (and reign) at the farm because the borzoi aren't there (it's so nice to think we may be needed)!

Tom really loves his new job or my, what a change to our lives. We are trying to maintain our same level of activities and it's turning out to be somewhat challenging--all fun but pretty busy too. Sixteen hounds don't sit quietly waiting to be waited on and they don't really care that their servants have just completed a day's work elsewhere!! I suspect Crystal thinks her days and nights are suddenly filled to the brim too--lots of empathy with her at this moment.

We depart the house shortly (not until I finish this note!) KC's Snaps (me) has a gig on a ranch east of here. The Rhodesian ridgeback club are testing their hounds for herding instinct. Sighthound? Herding instinct? Believe me, I'm not sure what I'll be imaging--hopefully not a hound bringing down a sheep or two. We'll see. It will be a day under a hot sun and cold breeze off the mountains. Tomorrow, we are competing in a straight race in northern Colorado. Three of Kazan's babies are up there. They were whelped in August. I'm hopeful that they are typical puppies from him---full of desire for the chase and blazingly fast. We'll see.

Love to all--I'll be seeing Judi in a couple days (yahoooo) and then in several weeks, I'll be there for Murray's graduation celebration (yahoo again!!)


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