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Good Food in Philly

With true Sandra style and elegance, we were served a wonderful, multi-course dinner while monitoring the Beaver's first few innings. What a perfect evening. We are now up, drinking coffee, noticing all of the hard work Sid and Sandra continue to put into their wonderful condo.

Off to Albany! Go Beavs!




Today at the drawing I got a denim (sort of) shopping bag. On the in


ide it says, manufactured by Oregon Corrections Institute

Blakneys have arrived

Hello Everyone,

Diana and Bill are here in Philly. Sid went to meet them at the airport and right now we are just waiting for them to get back to our place. They went to pick up their rental car and Sid came home.

I stayed home to prepare dinner. Hopefully they will be hungry wehn they arrive, we certainly have enough food for lots of guests. They lucked out in terms of the weather because it turned out to be a nice evening.

We will keep you posted. Will try to write more tomorrow. Until then, have a nice evening.

Love Sandra.

Weather Forcast for the blakneys

6-Day Forecast

High /
Low (°F)
Precip. %
Jun 20
Partly Cloudy84°/60°20 %
Jun 21
Mostly Sunny85°/66°0 %
Jun 22
Partly Cloudy83°/61°10 %
Jun 23
Partly Cloudy80°/64°10 %
Jun 24
Partly Cloudy85°/66°10 %
Jun 25
Mostly Sunny86°/68°10 %

Too tired

I was to tired to to write in the blog yesterday, But I did think about it, so I guess it is all right to post date this entry just to keep the steak alive. :-)



I liked the LARGE pictures better. Try again, Diana.

Love, Bopcha

Father's Day Hike

Bill and Noah on Father's Day. There is a lighthouse in the background

Muggy Hot Sunday Afternoon

Hello All,

We are looking forward to the visit from Diana and Bill. Hopefully the weather will be decent those few days you are here. Sid put in a new front door. It took hours of work because he had to saw it and adjust it so that it actually fit, it was a lot of hard work. Who would ever thing putting in a door is so much work.

Bopcha, isn't it nice to have the farmer's market up and running for the summer. It seems like a great place to meet up with people with people. The weather out there right now must be quite nice. In Philly we are having okay weather, relatively speaking. I guess the humidity will start in July, yukkie.

Bopcha, it's nice that at the Gleaners, folks can get fresh vegetables rather than just packaged goods. The ability to get fresh produce makes it all worth while, doesn't it?

I have been doing projects around the house all day, and I think now I will go out for a walk or something. Oh yesterday, I was at a cycling (spinning class). I wear cycling shoes for the class that you clip into the bike. For some reason, my cycling right shoe got caught in the bike and I could not clip out of my bike without taking the shoe off. I could not for the life of me get it out. So I had to leave my shoe there until someone from the maintenance crew could pull it out. I will go there now and see if they were able to get my shoe off. Do I have the weirdest clumsiest experiences or what? I was sort of embarassed. Thankfully, this happened at the end of the class - that is I started to feel that something was wrong with my right pedal. It felt loose, so I tried to get off - who would have ever thought that I would have to dismount my bike without my shoe!

Sid and I will try to make something yummy for dinner when and Bill and Diana get here from their long trip. We'll be thinking about it. Anyway, that is it for now. I will write more later. I have an interesting story to tell about the Parson's experience with their roofing contractors.

Bye for now.

Love Sandra

Saturday market

This morning I went to the Farmers Market. The Marimba Band was playling. It made me think of the picture you sent me of Nina and

Alex playing in their homemade band. What fun. I got some potatoes, yellow, black, and white, and an unusual squash. I met a young woman I haven't seen for ten years. She was selling fresh vegetables at one of the booths. She recognized me and came over and hugged me. That is one of the fun things--meeting people I haven't seen for years!!!

Today at 4 p.m. the Beavers are in Omana playing baseball. Anxiety!!! I think they will have some tough competition.

My weight living class is over for this season. I will rest my weary bones for a week or two. Wednesday is REPac day with the Gleaners at Tanget. Now you know my plans for the week ahead.


Trip to Philly and Albany

Itineraries Wed, June 20 - we fly Delta 1007 to Atlanta and on to Philly on Delta 1172. We arrive in Philly at 5:16 p.m. We pick up our rental car at the airport and then drive to Sid and Sandras. Thursday we drive to Albany Early Sunday morning we leave Albany and drive to Philly - we plan to be there by noon. Monday, June 25 we leave Philly at 6:15 a.m. on Delta 541. We rented a van so that we could cart people around. I love vans. Boo Hoo I don't have one of my own anymore so I just have to be satisfied with the occasional rental! See ya!

They got there in a hurry

Wow! The good old postal service has been on the ball recently. I'm glad you like them, I love the way they lace up with that little slip knot. I am exhausted so I'm heading to bed. Diana post your itinerary when you get a chance.

Love Sid


The shoes just arrived! And they fit and feel beautiful. What a snazzy pair. I will enjoy them so much. Thank you, thank you, thank you. Love, Bopcha No kidding. They are great.

Rainy Day on the Island

It is raining this morning. I used it as an excuse to wear black jeans, a black blouse and my bright orange Beaver fleece vest! I also have on orange fingernail polish. The Beavs play their first game in the baseball world series on Saturday afternoon. Gulp! We play Cal Fullerton. There are eight teams competing - double elimination.

Jess is in Corvallis to attend the graduation of one of her friends. Her roomate from college, Amy (who lives near Seattle), went with her. It thrills me to no end to see Jess so connected to OSU. Irrational, perhaps, but it is something we can share. She's not the sports nut I have become, but she is always thrilled when the Beavs win. Especially if it is against the Ducks or the Huskies!

Noah has been in Billings, Montana for the last few days. He flys back today. Haley is picking him up at the airport. She took him to the airport, too. She also took him to his last dental appointment. She is a gem! I can't wait for volleyball season to start so we can see her in action again. She is a spiker and probably the strongest woman on the team. At 5'10" she isn't as tall as she'd like to be to maximize her strength, but as long as she can jump, she can stuff the ball down the opposition's throat pretty effectively.

Kay is coming to the Island Sunday morning and going with us for a father's day hike. Even a little drizzle won't stop our intrepid group.

Nina has real talent! And it looks as if Alex has a real future as a jazz trumpet player. Thanks for the photos, they started my morning off with joyous feelings.

Love to all,



The picture is beautiful. Thank you for sending it to me.

Today I went to see Aunt Martha. She wants to learn to use the computer in the place she lives. I did not have time to see if I could help her. She has taken instruction from someone that lives there, but sometimes an interested relative can be of more help. I will try to find time to help her.

Tomorrow, Friday, I work for the Gleaners again in the park across the road. I sit outside and weigh the vegetables and fruit that people get, write it down, and ask them their name so I can write it down also. The fresh vegetables, lettuce, spinach, apples, turnips, potatoes, etc. are free. and sometimes we have mangoes, parsnips, and other things.

Have a good weekend! Love, Bopcha